
Saturday, January 31, 2015

Youth Center Annex, Junggu / 1st Prize Winner in Architecture Competition Annual 2005

Youth Center Annex, Junggu / 1st Prize Winner 


 Architecture Competition Annual 2005 Book

main prepective Youth Center Annex, Junggu
Main Prepective - Youth Center Annex, Junggu

Area district : Third-rate general residential area 
Function : Educational research & Welfare facility 
Site area : 577irt 
Building area : 287.75d 
Total floor area : 1,460.29rri 
Building coverage ratio :  49.87% 
Floor area ratio :  144.78% 

Stories : B2. 3FL 
Structure : Reinforced concrete 
Parking capacity : 8 cars 
Ext. finish : Precasted concrete panel. Aluminium sheet, 
                 Needle-leaf tree. THK18 co;ored pairglass 
Design participation : Ryu chang woo, Park seong hyeon, 
                                Park byong tae 

Site Analaysis
Site Analaysis
land use planing
land use planing
Traffic Line Planning
Traffic Line Planning
Outside Space Planing
Outside Space Planing

Site Plan :ـ

Rational site use plan 
- Maximum use of the whole site and the topography 
- A efficient core space and a space arrangement according to functions 
- A buffer zone of a mass by arranging the exit of underground parking lots in the south 

Rational space arrangement 
- Inducing the main way-in & way-out by opening the southeast in which view and daylight are excellent and consistent 
- Inducing inter-penetration between indoor spaces and outdoor and  offering an open square with a sunken garden 

site plan of Youth Center Annex, Junggu
site plan

Floor Plan :ـ

- Basic concept :
- Efficient lay out, small extravagancy of spaces .
-Easy maintenance by dividing floors in accordance with the time of use by rooms .
- Individuality of each function and convenience of use .
- plan for seniors and the disabled .

first floor paln
first floor paln
third  floor paln
third  floor paln


Elevation Plan :ـ

Modern form 
-Expressing future-oriented image by using high-tech materials 
-Appropriate elevation plan of main spaces and clear feature of the building
-Expressing the form which is open to the main building of the youth center
-Emphasizing open elevation by using transparent materials Dynamism 
- Comprehensive harmony between vertical factors and horizontal 
- Creating dynamic mass by using different elevation elements 
- Expressing the spirit of youth by a future-oriented mass 
• Modernism 
- Creating modern design by change and comparison of elevation factors 
- Creating smoothness and modern image by a circular mass 
- Using modern materials(glass and metal) 

front elevation
 front elevation
Rear elevation
Rear elevation 
Side elevation
Side elevation
back elevation
back elevation

Section Plan :ـ

• Hierarchy by Floors in Accordance with Functions, Clear Section Zoning 
- Basement : providing cultural spaces which are open to residents and outdoor spaces which are connected to a sunken garden 
- 1st floor : hall is very close to service facilities for an efficient circulation of users 
- 2nd — 3rd floors : dividing spaces into individual for those who use an inactive library 

longitudinal section
longitudinal section
cross section
cross section
See more another 1st Prize Winner in Architecture Competition Annual 

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