
Sunday, January 17, 2016

Project public library in Ying Yang

Design project Ying Yang public library by evgeny markachev + julia kozlovaDesi in korea 1st prize winner.
project Ying Yang public library by evgeny markachev + julia kozlovaDesi in korea.
Project public library in Ying Yang

Developed by evgeny markachev + julia kozlova, the public library proposal implents the use of the philosophical ‘yin and yang’ sign as the form driver of the structure, symbolizing two different origins through interaction and complementarity.
Developed by evgeny markachev + julia kozlova, the public library proposal implents the use of the philosophical ‘yin and yang’ sign as the form driver of the structure, symbolizing two different origins through interaction and complementarity.
perspective Project public library in Ying Yang
The concept obtains not only the shape of the motif, but also spatially divides the space into two opposite functional nodes that complement each other (education and communication). 
Due to the dynamic form the edifice is visually in constant movement, designating the other zones to be harmoniously distributed in the internal areas of the building. 
This feature reflects the modern intensity and information interchange, dynamics of modern life.
Project public library
perspective Project public library / Ying Yang
The Project public library in Ying Yang won first place in the sustainable design category of the autodesk special prize in the archi-world academy awards for 2011-2013.
Project public library in Ying Yang
site plan of public library
Project public library in Ying Yang
general view
Project public library in Ying Yang
Elevation of public library

1. The place: There is a residential urea in the south-west, a church and public buildings in the east .
2. New boundaries of the site: The shift of the designed boundaries with a view to preserve the existing green zone and the distance bet ern the residential area and the library_ 

2. New boundaries of the site: The shift of the designed boundaries with a view to preserve the existing green zone and the distance bet ern the residential area and the library_
Analysis of public library
3. Number of storeys: Construction of the total volume of the 4-storeyed building in accordance with the project height restrictions_ 
4. Two pans: The total volume of the building is divided into two parts by one of the main existing in this territory pedestrian routes.
5. Two functional nodes: The object has the appearance of the symbol and is divided Into two anhpathic by the meaning, but complementing each other functional nodes: -receipt of information -communication spaces 
6. Lowered by one store: Half of the building is lowered by one store y to the level of the dwelling houses along which it is located_ This will provide the sufficient light conditions for the residential constructions and a more harmonious combination of the new building and of the existing one_ 

3. Number of storeys: Construction of the total volume of the 4-storeyed building in accordance with the project height restrictions_  4. Two pans: The total volume of the building is divided into two parts by one of the main existing in this territory pedestrian routes. 5. Two functional nodes: The object has the appearance of the symbol and is divided Into two anhpathic by the meaning, but complementing each other functional nodes: -receipt of information -communication spaces  6. Lowered by one store: Half of the building is lowered by one store y to the level of the dwelling houses along which it is located_ This will provide the sufficient light conditions for the residential constructions and a more harmonious combination of the new building and of the existing one_
Analysis of public library
7. Exploitable terraces The opposite faces of the bothparts are lowered in order to create exploitable terraces on the roof that are accesible from the street. 
8. Twisted both parts relatives to each other FoRowingthe concept design not only the internal line forms the contours of the 'Yin and Yang" symbol, the faces are turned with respect to the centre creating the constant movement of the volumes to each other. This completes the formation of the image solution_ 
9. Green areas The terraces are planted; ascents to them are created along the building volumes. Both directions are intersected in the middle forming a common site. The territory in front of the facility is beautified (an area with a reservoir). 
10. Entrance, exits, walking routes Each of the two functional parts has its own entrance. The main entrance from the square from the side of the main road. The upper storeys have exits to the terraces. A new walking direction is formed through the facility by the terraces that passes diagonally between the streets. 

8. Twisted both parts relatives to each other FoRowingthe concept design not only the internal line forms the contours of the 'Yin and Yang" symbol, the faces are turned with respect to the centre creating the constant movement of the volumes to each other. This completes the formation of the image solution_  9. Green areas The terraces are planted; ascents to them are created along the building volumes. Both directions are intersected in the middle forming a common site. The territory in front of the facility is beautified (an area with a reservoir).  10. Entrance, exits, walking routes Each of the two functional parts has its own entrance. The main entrance from the square from the side of the main road. The upper storeys have exits to the terraces. A new walking direction is formed through the facility by the terraces that passes diagonally between the streets.
Analysis of public library
.Architectural model of public library / Ying Yang won first place in the sustainable design
.Architectural model of public library / Ying Yang won first place in the sustainable design
Architectural model of public library

interior design of public library
interior design of public library
interior design of public library
interior design of public library

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