
Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Graduation Projects -Territorial Aviation High School

Architectural Design Projects - Graduation Projects - Graduation projects for students of 2007/ 2008 .

Sana'a University - College of Engineering - Department of Architecture - The level of final

The project : Territorial Aviation High School

Project Designer : Shadi Alwan .

Shadi Alwan - Architects
Shadi Alwan

project site Location ) :

project site
project site

Project Idea ( The concept ) : 
The idea came from the transporting from the ground to the sky 
The cabin considered as the main element which connect us with the sky also it's the element students always deal with 

Project Idea ( The concept )
Project Idea ( The concept )
Site Map ( General Site ):

site map of Graduation Projects -Territorial Aviation High School
site map
Graduation Projects -Territorial Aviation High School
Graduation Projects -Territorial Aviation High School
main perspective
main perspective
frist floor plan
frist floor plan

Elevations   ( Views ):

main elevation
main elevation
south elevation
south elevation

Other Perspective  ( Views ):


Strucure Idea  ( Views ):


For other Graduation Projects Her


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